Sunday, August 5, 2012

Defying Nature With Money

Star Q

Image sourced from Google

My blog is not a sensational one, but today I feel compelled to write about this very popular phenomenon and that is trying to turn back time where one's beauty is concerned.  It seems with the advent of modern cosmetics people (those with money of course!) are doing every thing they can to continue looking young and radiant.

One such person is an artist whose career I have been following (since I was fourteen years old!) ever since her first appearance in the local singing scene.  I remember hugging my late mother's old National transistor radio, every time her songs came on air.  I followed this singer's meteoric rise to stardom.  Her dark looks and bouffant hair-do never failed to catch my attention.

But now as I get on in my years, this particular singer is defying age and seems to be getting younger by the year.  Her once dark olive skin is now even fairer than that of the late Micheal Jackson's and her once very Asian nose now looks very aquiline.  

In reality she should be at least three or four years older than I am, but she seems to have time on her side where her looks is concerned.  Am I the only one getting old.  I don't think so.  More likely, she is the one with the money!

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After Two Years.....

Can't believe that I have been too busy to write that I have actually left this blog untouched for two long years.  A lot of thing...