Monday, June 25, 2012

Go Local! Love Local!

Star Q

Image sourced from Google

The time has come for us to take the Use Malaysian campaign to a new level.  We should now consider, not to only use products made in Malaysia, but also to seriously (I say, seriously!) consider using every thing Malaysian.  Local products should therefore not be restricted to clothes or shoes made in Malaysia, but they should also encompass food (originally local), culture (originally local), songs (originally local) and even traditional or contemporary dances (originally local)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hijrah to AlHijrah!

Star Q

My first reaction when reading this article in one of the newspapers I bought today (every Sunday I usually buy three!) was to agree one hundred percent!  The writer and I seem to be on the same wavelength as far as the credibility of the news on this particular channel is concerned!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Waste Not Want Not

Star Q

This is just another term for recycling which was coined many, many years ago by our fore-fathers who did not have plenty to go by during their times.  Nothing went to waste because food, and every thing was not easy to come by.  Curtains for example, would be used again and again, and when they are no more suitable to be hung to adorn windows and doors, they would be turned into bed spreads and pillow cases.  And further down the line, when even then they are no more presentable, they would be turned into rags or coverings for fruits in the orchard.

Irfan Part 2

Star Q

This entry is the second entry for Irfan, Cikgu Latifah's only child, who has been diagnosed with leukemia.   This photo which I have taken from Cikgu Latifah's Facebook wall, does not in the least reflect that ailment this young child is going through.  But then again, what do I know.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Star Q

Irfan Qaseh Latifah

This entry is a heartfelt dedication to a young friend.  This particular young friend is the son of one of my colleagues, Cikgu Latifah.  I had this sudden urge to write this entry, not only because he is very sick but also because he is one of the children whom my wife is taking care of.  

This entry may seem odd but I just have to write about Irfan.  I remember him from a trip a few years back.  Irfan and I were among forty plus teachers and students who were on a trip to the PWTC in Kuala Lumpur for the Annual Book Fare.  It was such a joy to see such a happy boy because all throughout the journey he never seemed tired.  He was laughing all the way as I made every attempt to accommodate his childishness.  I am a serious person by nature, but I found it easy to laugh at his childish antics! 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Prayers and Noisy Boys

Star Q

Image sourced from Google

A few Friday's ago. I started performing my Friday prayers somewhere near the courtyard of the mosque; not inside the mosque where it is air-conditioned!  I chose to do my prayers outside since I found it quite difficult to sit in the 'tahyat akhir' position.  So, sitting outside allowed me to sit in a rather awkward position without disturbing others.

Monday, June 4, 2012

You Know Raya Is Near When ......

Star Q

There are many signs around you that whether directly or indirectly, tell you that Raya is near.  It may not be right around the corner, but it's near nevertheless.

For our household, one of the many signs that Raya is near, is the smell of a fresh new coat of paint on the house walls, even though it may just be one wall!  Last year we painted the whole living room and the dining area with tones of light green and cream.  And even though the coat of paint is still new (to me at least!) the missus has decided to give the wall in the living room another coat of paint.

Why No Buyers?

Star Q

Image sourced from Google

I listened in amazement to a statement made by a housing developer during one of his press conferences.  He was complaining that there has been no takers for the low-cost houses that his company has built for buyers from middle income brackets.  He, however, noticed that these buyers had opted to buy houses that are set at prices from RM150K and above.

Well, actually I had long anticipated such a comment to be passed.  I mean, no prospective house buyer in his right mind, would look for a permanent residence that is built in a housing area that is placed in the middle of nowhere!  Granted, the house built there may be much cheaper, mainly because the land that it is built on is a piece of land no one would touch with a ten foot pole (or less!)  

After Two Years.....

Can't believe that I have been too busy to write that I have actually left this blog untouched for two long years.  A lot of thing...