Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Half-Baked Idea

Some ideas (if you can even call them that!) from the system should remain where they first came from; in the system.  They should just remain there and not elicit unnecessary sighs and displeasure from people who are forced to carry them out.  One idea in particular, is the One Student One Sport (1S1M) Programme, which among it's many flaws ( which are unfortunately seen by the people who implement them and not by the people who suggest them!) include attendance (or lack of it) by the students (we shall leave the teachers out of this for the time being!).

Students don't seem to see the point of attending such an activity which does not actually provide them with any kind of real purpose.  I mean, attending for the sake of attending, without any merits or awards, would make anyone in his right mind to just abandon this unwelcome idea.  Besides having to go back late after school every day, an extra day of going home late, is really stretching a person's obedience too thin!

Some ideas, like a good cake recipe, should be allowed the proper time in the oven to be baked, so that it will turn out well; eagerly awaited by every one who cannot wait to devour every crumb of the cake.  However, if the cake turns out to be half-baked, it will definitely have to be thrown out into the dustbin because nobody in his right mind would want to eat it.  Not even a hungry stray dog would want it!

So, I feel that this half-baked idea should be taken back by the person who started it in the first place, put in back in the oven, look into it with care and attention, and if it, after much thought and consideration (and I do mean much!) turns out to be something commendable, then bring it back to us, and we'll take it from there!  I'm sure no one will throw it away then!

1 comment:

  1. I really agree with you. During my yesteryears I did stayback every evening to march as I was in police cadet team. We trained hard for the competitions and felt great bout it. Not all students like games neither do I. But they must have certain activities that they fond of.


After Two Years.....

Can't believe that I have been too busy to write that I have actually left this blog untouched for two long years.  A lot of thing...