Saturday, May 14, 2011

Just Be Just Part I

People have thrown snide and cynical remarks at me on more than one occasion and made unjust comments about the work that I do.  I suppose people can say whatever they want, without a single care if those remarks actually hurt the people they are intended for.

Of the many, two continue to linger in my mind because they were made by someone who is supposed to do justice to everyone.  On one occasion, we being English teachers, were accused of not doing our jobs eventhough the government has given us our monthly BISP allowance and that the giving of that allowance some how seems unjustified.  I feel saddened by this accusation because, I for one have made good use of that allowance, which by the way is not that much, especially in producing resource materials for my English classes. 

By producing resource materials I am referring to the countless hours I spend in front of the computer, surfing through websites and searching for suitable materials to be used in classes.  By producing resource materials I mean the tiring hours of having to think up of original teaching and learning materials which are then typed and printed into workable exercises for English language classroom use, all of which have how been conveniently and neatly bound and turned into modules for every form.  By producing resource materials I also mean taking time going to the copying shop to get the materials copied and then collated and stapled accordingly. 

I can go into details about this particular matter but I would much prefer that the person who passed the cynical remarks actually see the six sets of modules that I have produced.   In fact, I think she should have asked us to explain how we used the BISP before she made the snide remarks.  Perhaps then, all this unnecessary pent up frustration could have been avoided.

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