Saturday, February 19, 2011

Don't Bite The Hand That Feeds You! Part 2

PTPTN  is offered to students who are successful in pursuing their studies to tertiary education, especially to those who are financially unable to pay for their own education.  A former friend (the picture of him, does not actually do him justice!) argues that not only does he have to pay RM14,000, he also has to pay for the interest incurred on the amount that he borrowed, which would total up to a lot more. 

I reminded him that he was not forced to accept the loan handed to him on the proverbial silver platter, and that once accepted, he would be entering into legal and binding agreement, with both his eyes wide open.  I also told him that, he would not be paying the whole loan at one go, but would be provided small and manageable monthly installments.  I also reminded him that the loan given to him was to lighten the financial burden that would have fallen on the shoulders of his parents who incidentally relied on farming as their livelihoods.  He disagreed with all my contentions!

I guess this mentality is not shared by other PTPTN loaners and that it is just the opinion of this one ungrateful individual; ungrateful in more ways than one.  If he starts life having this mentality, I would hate to think what kind of thoughts he would sow in the minds of his future students!

1 comment:

  1. People who do not know the meaning of being grateful, will not impart this virtue onto others, which much later in life, they themselves may expect from others! By that time, realisation may come too late for them!


After Two Years.....

Can't believe that I have been too busy to write that I have actually left this blog untouched for two long years.  A lot of thing...