Saturday, April 16, 2011

When You Wish Upon A STAR!

This famous Walt Disney theme song taken from one of it's famous animations (I have forgotten which one!), is a suitable song to sing when there is something that you really want and the STAR in question here is definitely not where I am.

When you wish upon a star, the only thing you would want to do is shine; and you would never expect people to out-shine you or worse still, snuff you out.  This unfortunately has happened to me, when all the things I initially did was later on taken over by someone else and along the process, managed to out-shine me.  I have always been someone who would rather be in the background than being in the limelight.  I do everything quietly and get things done without making a big fuss of them.  Unfortunately, this trait of mine is seen as a stepping stone for someone to get the credits all to himself by literally being in the forefront of things.  Sad to say, all that I had done went unnoticed by the people concerned and all credits went to the other person.  In short, I have become the stepping stone that has been stepped all over.

And to add insult to injury, yet another person also took credit for something else that I had done.  I spent many of my holidays doing things that no one else would do.  In fact no one in his right mind would do the things I had done.  But again,  I did not get the credits due to me, but someone else.

People may say that I am a sour grape but don't pass judgement until and unless you have been in my situation which I myself don't want to be in.  Maybe, I should wish for something else than a STAR!

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