Monday, April 29, 2013

Of Rubbish Collectors and Sewage Tank Cleaners!

Star Q

I mean, it's not like teachers are not already inundated by numerous tasks that cause them a lot of pain physically and spiritually.  I am not going to delve further into this much discussed domain where many other social networks and their users (teachers mostly) have already had heated debates on.

My contention here is this simple-minded, couldn't-care-less and utterly pain-inducing group of students!  You often wonder why these group of humans even get up in the morning to make their way to school, just for the soul purpose of ignoring the teachers and tormenting their souls.  

These humans, upon reaching school, will let lose all hell within this premise and make it their own territory, inhospitable to anyone else.  These are the people who, when in class will just do what ever they want, make as much noise (and as loud!) as they possibly can  and leaving and entering the class without a single care in the world.  

It is not that the teachers have not made any efforts to do something about the situations above.  In order to rectify the situations, teachers initially talked to them nicely; then went up a notch by raising their voices as a form of warning; followed by the teachers yelling, screaming and scolding (verbally) the students; and finally their names sent to discipline teachers.

However, in spite of having taken all these actions, these young offspring of some unfortunate parents never seem to change their ways.  If any, they seem to get worse in retaliation to the actions taken by the teachers towards them.  I suppose they don't have enough common sense in their brains (if there is any up there!) to realize that if they don't want any actions for misbehavior taken against them, then they should not misbehave in the first place!

But on a lighter note, I would like to quote what a teacher said to her students who happen to be just like the students I mentioned above.  She said, quote: "It is good that you don't want to study and it is good if you fail your exams.  Because if you do well and pass your exams then there will be no one else in the future, to sweep my drains or clean my sewage tank or collect my rubbish or mow my lawn etc.  So for that, I thank you all!"

She may have sounded cynical, and her students were angry; but at least she was telling the truth!  Sweet revenge!

Note : The title may seem a bit harsh, but it is merely my personal view and is not directed to any specific person or persons.

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