Monday, February 6, 2012

Backlog of Blogs

There is a sudden surge of interest in blogging among the younger generation nowadays.  Every day you get new blogs springing out like wild mushrooms after a downpour.  They seem to be emerging from practically everywhere and blogging about every topic under the sun.

But like wild mushrooms where some are safe to be eaten while some are deathly poisonous, the materials that bloggers write about are just as similar.  Some bloggers write about useful things like advise, life's trials and tribulations and their effects or even recipes that others can share.  On the other hand, some bloggers are mere parasites (pardon the comparison but...) they rely on other people's materials to enter into their blogs; some merely enter pictures or videos and worse of all some, especially those who already have a huge following, can merely come up with one-liner blog entries!

In my opinion, again taking mushrooms as a metaphor, in order to be safely consumed mushrooms should be carefully cultivated under safe and sterile conditions.  However, if consumers are still crazy about wild mushrooms, they should be responsible enough in discarding poisonous ones.  Even edible ones should undergo close scrutiny like where it grows and whether the pasture had previously been sprayed with weed-killer.  

In essence, both the blogger and the reader have their respective responsibilities in ensuring that blogs serve to prove usable benefits and advantages.  

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After Two Years.....

Can't believe that I have been too busy to write that I have actually left this blog untouched for two long years.  A lot of thing...