Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Devil Bosses

Star Q

It's the out of the frying pan, into the fire moment.  You must be wondering what I'm talking about.  It's just a case of me running away from one bad boss, and now working under another equally bad one.

I have had this kind of boss all my life ever since I started to join the rat race.  I have always thought that bad bosses always ask you to do jobs that are not in your job specifications because you are young and you have all the energy to do every kind of job under the sun.  I also assumed that my bosses did this because I had no family commitments then.

But now as I get older, I realise that bad bosses do the things they do because of two reasons; one because the are really bad and two, because they are ignorant.  Let's take my situation.  My job specification has been clearly outlined and for the past year, I was happy with the work I was doing.  But being a bad boss, this person decided to add on other duties to my job specifications.

His reason for doing so is so that I will not feel left out when other employees have been asked to do the same thing that he is asking me to do.  I know better!  He is not being considerate!  He is just being mean!  He just can't stand the fact that I am doing my work according to the outlined specifications.  He just accept the fact that I am having fun doing my job.  

He just has to spoil everything for me and make me feel stressed out about the additional job he has asked me to do.  And unfortunately, when I (and a few other colleagues) asked about this, he immediately closed (slammed, rather) all chances of negotiation!

I am trying to find a silver lining to this gloomy cloud hanging over me but I can't seem to find any.  I am feeling unhappy and I still have at least four good years of service to go.  My contemplating my predicament, four years seem a long while away.

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