Sunday, March 15, 2015

Consistently Inconsistent

Star Q

The town council is at it again.  Already famous for providing less than satisfactory services to the public who pay several maintenance taxes bi-annually to them, they are adding another horrible looking feather onto their equally horrible looking hat!

I am referring to their lackadaisical attitude in implementing the coupon-parking rule.  The last time I wrote about this, I was the one who got fined but I guess that was not my fault.  I say 'I guess it was not my fault' because the town council had not actually implemented this rule and there had never been such rounds made by their officers to the designated parking areas here.  Plus it was more than strange that among the many cars that was parked there, I was the only one who got fined!

This time the officers from this town council is at their greedy best again.  This time this black Myvi got fined for not displaying the parking coupon.  Again, this was the only car out of the many parked there, which was fined.

Even more surprising, I happen to know that the car belongs to one of the bank staff near which the car was parked.  And if the parking rate (per coupon) is forty cents per hour, it will cost the bank staff RM3.20 per working day to park there.  Plus, he will have to come out every hour, to change or display a new coupon because the town council has not introduced parking arrangements of the working community here.

People are not happy about your system, town council people!  It's time to pull up your socks!  That is if you are wearing one!

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