Friday, December 30, 2011

Good-bye 2011

Over here in Malaysia, today is the last day for the year 2011.  For me, it has been a tremendous year in many senses of the word be they from the aspect of myself as an individual, a family man and even professionally.  As an individual, I think I have managed to do good for my own being by avoiding things that would have otherwise made me regret doing albeit the many opportunities that came knocking on my door.  I know I have made some people hate me for the decisions that I made, but those decisions were for my own betterment and they were not meant to hurt anyone.

As a family man, I have seen my eldest child, (thankfully) surviving university life, by immersing himself as one of the undergraduates.  All my earlier apprehensions seem to have disappeared especially with him showing a lot more confidence being there.  I have seen my second child complete here secondary school education and am now waiting in anticipation, as she must be, for the result of her examination.  And I have seen my youngest child blossoming, well, into a flower!

Professionally, the beginning of the year saw me going through some difficult times doing work that I was not supposed to do; work that was supposed to have been done by someone else.  It also saw me going out of my way, coming back during the schools holidays and after school hours, doing things to make my working environment more pleasant and hospitable.  I painted murals on the walls to the teachers' room, I rearranged the furniture, did a major spring cleaning to the room (alone!), pushed and shoved the old and useless furniture to the store (alone!) and brought in those that could be used from the store (alone!), I rolled out the PVC mat for the new teachers' room (alone!) and brought potted plants which I cultivated personally to decorate the room!  

People may ask me why I don't enlist the assistance of my colleagues by asking them to come to school during holidays or after school and sacrifice their free time just to make their working environment more livable.  Well, I say that sacrifice is not for everybody and if sacrifice means that you need to be told to do something, then it is not worth the sacrifice at all.

But as the continuous annual December rain finally started to subside two weeks back and saw the gleam of sunshine warming the wet earth's surface, I am satisfied to say that the ray of sunshine has somehow made its way to me enveloping me in its brightness.  A positive sign for 2012? Insya Allah and many more years to come!

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After Two Years.....

Can't believe that I have been too busy to write that I have actually left this blog untouched for two long years.  A lot of thing...