Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dead Bored

Star Q

Image sourced from google

I have never been someone who can sit idly in the office (what more if it's a cubicle!) all cooped up like a chicken looking at the same four walls of the same small chicken coop, with nothing else to do but smelling it's own droppings! 
As a matter of fact, I have always been one who prefers to move about, like being a teacher who is always on the move, going from one class after another, and is always using my brain rather than brawn.  It is more satisfying to leave the office cubicle and go out to meet people.

And that is what I am supposed to do; go out  and meet with the teachers.  Even if it is almost the end of the school year and there is not much teaching to be done (not really!)  I can always visit schools and conduct sharing sessions about their best practices.  It is more fulfilling to be able to share my own ideas with fellow teachers and at the same time listening to the ideas that they have.

I can't bear to think about the long one month school holidays which is looming in the near future where I will definitely be held up like a proverbial hostage in this office.  Yes, there will be that intermittent episodes of meetings and briefings and what-have-yous, but all of them will be held here in this office!  I can't speak for other people, but as for me, after a few hours, sitting in the same seat, in the same room and in the same building, I will start feeling like I'm a helpless-case patient in a sanitarium!

I also wonder how other people (my colleagues) can stand to be cloistered in the office from 8.00 a.m. until 5.00 for five days in a week.  I also wonder how they can remain happy, laughing and giggling in such an environment.

I wonder if all that laughter has to do with them being cooped up in the office.  Now, I know where the term 'loony bin' comes from; because my cubicle is gradually turning into one!

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