Monday, April 28, 2014

A Future Teacher That Needs Teaching

Star Q
Many things have been said about what you post onto the walls of Facebook.  We are constantly reminded not to put up pictures that incriminate us in the future or statements that can hurt other people or even videos that are deemed not fit for public viewing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rubbish-Throwing Neighbours!

Star Q
iii.  Pot-Luck Untuk Cikgu Azri

My missus cleaning our neighbours drain!

Cleanliness is a very important aspect of our daily lives and nowhere is it more important than in the housing area that you live in.  It is even more crucial when you consider the fact that the cleanliness of a housing area cannot depend on the occupants of one or two houses alone; in fact it warrants the concerted effort of everyone in every household.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Not Worth The Concern

Star Q

Ever had a colleague who totally ignores you when he is enjoying himself or when he decides to go outstation?  And that very same colleague who comes after you like a life-line whenever he has some task to complete or when he needs your help?  Unfortunately, I have that kind of colleague.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

With Promotion Comes Great Responsibilities

Star Q

Getting a promotion can represent a high note in an individual's career, especially when the promotion comes with a certain amount of salary increment and other perks like a beautiful and comfortable office of your own plus less subordinates to contend with.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thank You for the Hello!

Star Q

It was quite a surprising turn of event for me, when after twenty-six years of teaching, I decided to leave the profession that I have come to love and cherish.  It was not an easy decision, I must add, but one that I had to make because of the many things that I personally see as things that do not want me to be a teacher per se!

After Two Years.....

Can't believe that I have been too busy to write that I have actually left this blog untouched for two long years.  A lot of thing...